Sponsorship of the Malaga Day Centre

At Mayoral we promote solidarity projects that protect the rights of children, such as our alliance with Aldeas Infantiles SOS.

By sponsoring the Day Centre in Malaga we will be able to help hundreds of families and children in vulnerable situations. In Spain alone, there are more than 300,000 children at risk of losing the care of their families.

The human component is very present in this collaboration through volunteering activities at the centre, which encourage social cooperation among workers.

Our commitment to supporting children

We are aware of the responsibility that companies have towards society and towards children in particular, as they are the future of all of us.

Our aim is to be an active part of the change and contribute to all children growing up in a protective environment that favours their physical, intellectual and emotional development.

SOS Children's Villages

SOS Children's Villages is one of the largest direct care organisations for children in the world. It has been working in Spain for more than 50 years, strengthening vulnerable families so that they can adequately care for their children; providing a new home for children who cannot live with their parents; and accompanying young people until they are fully integrated into society. In the last year, it served more than 36,000 children, young people and families.

Mayoral Philosophy

This collaboration with SOS Children's Villages is part of Mayoral's commitment to ESG criteria (Environment, Society and Corporate Governance). An action framed within the #ecofriends program and based on our firm commitment to society and the environment.

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