#NewAdventures: 10 tips to make sure they are unforgettable.
#MAYORALTIPS New season,
new wardrobe
The children have worn themselves out over summer! It’s the perfect time to renew their wardrobe and equip them for their new adventures with comfortable, versatile and quality clothes. This autumn, our new designs will astonish them!
#MAYORALTIPS September, a new beginning Back to school means the start of millions of adventures. It is also an ideal month for kids to start exploring new activities like learning a language or playing an instrument. It’s a fantastic opportunity for great experiences!
#MAYORALTIPS Kids need kids Kids have the most fun with other kids. Thanks to developments in technology, they can see their friends without leaving the house. Get in contact with the parents of their friends and organise virtual reunions. They will be so surprised by the reunion!
#MAYORALTIPS Plan leisure time Kids should benefit from fun activities that unleashes their imagination. Don’t forget to fill the calendar with plans that enthuse them the most and spend time doing different activities together, arts & crafts never fail!
#MAYORALTIPS Snack time for mini chefs The kids of today love the kitchen. This year has demonstrated that there is no recipe that kids can resist and they are much more than kitchen helpers! Give them the opportunity to prepare their own snacks. There are thousands of easy, delicious and healthy recipes that they will enjoy. Make them and eat them! Fruit skewers, oat snacks…
#MAYORALTIPS Yes, even kids know fashion Kids are more and more conscious of what they see, as much them as their friends. Fashion helps them to express themselves and they want to participate in choosing their own looks. Give them the opportunity to choose what they want to wear and choose Mayoral outfits together that they will wear this autumn.
#MAYORALTIPS Generation Z Kids are digital natives and they use technology daily. Give them a chance to try mobile or tablet games. They love them! Get the most from these activities by giving them digital and educational activities that will help them to improve their talents. For them it will be like a hobby!
#MAYORALTIPS Make room for improvisation Kids are used to having rigid timetables. Once in a while, surprise them with spontaneous plans, they will love to change up their routine! Ask for their favourite meal in the week and prepare a movie night at home. These activities will become unforgettable family moments.
#MAYORALTIPS An unforgettable school year Everyday counts so make it special for them. Jot down in a notebook or diary any big successes that you have had, their latest jokes or anything important that has happened that day. It will be a great memory tomorrow!
#MAYORALTIPS How grown up! Kids love to hear that they are ‘grown-up’, that they are much more than they thought. Let kids carry out their own tasks at home and make their own decisions about their daily life. They will learn to be more independent and they will be able to take on new responsibilities.
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